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Aries Compatibilty Chart
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Taurus Compatibilty Chart
Virgo Compatibilty Chart

Moon Signs & Compatibility

Looking to find out which  astrology sign is best suited your astrological sign?


We will try to help!

Based on expert astrological data we have laid out each signs positives and negatives for you to review. Bear in mind there are all exceptions to every rule. Hope you enjoy and benefit from the knowledge!

Many people are aware of the term birth date compatibility but are often not sure how or why this works. Birthdate compatibility, simply put, is a system for matching up individuals according to their character traits and how they attract or repel.


Explaining the Basic Principles of Astrology


When you consider that the moon has the ability to move oceans through tidal movement it really doesn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to assume that it can have a significant effect on us as humans, being as we are about 60% water.


This principal is the whole basis of astrology – the ability of all celestial objects including planets, stars, the sun and the moon to have some influence over us. It then further stands to reason that the positions and presence in the sky of such celestial objects at the time of our birth will have great significance.


Most people, even those who dismiss astrology as total bunk, will be aware of their zodiacal sign. Signs of the zodiac are those constellations that fall on the ecliptic path – that of the sun through the sky. Your zodiac sign is determined by which of these constellations the sun is in at the time of your birth.

Character Traits and Your Zodiacal Sign


Studies which go back to ancient times have led astrologers to associate certain personality traits to the corresponding sign of the zodiac under which a person was born. Librans for example are said to display strong principles of justice and fairness. Their predisposition to this can often make them indecisive individuals as they struggle to weigh up all sides of an argument before coming to any conclusions.


However, many people read the character traits they are supposed to possess for a particular sign of the zodiac and don’t recognize themselves at all. This is one of the main reasons that astrology is dismissed so readily by some. If this is you, read on. You may be very interested to learn why this may be the case.

Why People Sometimes Don’t Match Their Zodiacal Sign?


There are of course the obvious reasons. Ten people born under Virgo for example may all have been brought up very differently, raised in distinct cultures and had vastly different life experiences. This will significantly affect how they display or don’t display zodiacal character traits. Understandably this is an unsatisfactory answer for many but there are further reaching reasons which give a much better explanation.


Man likes to make things neat and he has done the same with the zodiac – dividing it into twelve equal portions. But the constellations are not so easily ordered. Some of the constellations, such as Virgo, are huge and cover a large part of the sky. Others, such as Capricorn or Aries are tiny and cover a small fraction of the area of others. If our zodiac sign is that in which the sun was present at our birth how can they all be of one month equal length? The sun is in Virgo for far longer than it is in Aries. This could explain a great deal. It means, for example, that people who have all their life believed they are a Libran or a Cancerian may actually be a Virgo.


A further question needs to be raised concerning which quarter of the month you were born in. Much changes in our skies in a month and many astrologers believe that if you are born at the beginning of a zodiacal sign you will have many different traits to some-one under the same zodiacal sign but almost a month apart. Very few zodiacal personality guides allow for this.


Advanced astrology is actually very involved. In order to get an accurate picture of yourself for astrological purposes you will need to map your exact birth chart or find a skilled expert who can do it for you. Even then, unless you are lucky enough to find a practitioner who accepts the unequal zodiac sign principles as outlined above, you may still not get an accurate reading.

Calculating Birthdate Compatibility


The principles of birthdate compatibility can only be utilized if you accept some similarity with your zodiacal sign character traits. Even then, there will always be loving couples with successful relationships who are defined as totally incompatible according to their zodiacal signs. Nothing is written in stone and while some people find compatibility by birthdate guides extremely useful, for many they can only be followed very loosely or for a bit of fun.


Article by expert author ‘Deneice Arthurton’.