Astrology Health Tips and sign compatible Recipes
The sign of Pisces rules the feet and toes, and the mucous membranes. Pisceans
are noted for their graceful, well-
Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, acts on the general nervous system and specifically
on the thalamus. The thalamus is the part of the brain that transmits stimuli to
and from the sensory organs. You are attracted to glamorous lifestyle, which often
includes overindulging in eating and drinking and keeping late hours. The key to
your good health is to establish moderate habits. With a minimum of care, a well-
Pisces' cell salt is ferrum phosphate, which is iron. Iron is needed to manufacture hemoglobin in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin is the essential element in the red blood cell, and is responsible for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to other body cells. Lack of iron in the system can lead to anemia, low blood pressure, inflammations, glandular problems, and heart irregularities.
Foods that are rich in iron that you should include in your diet are liver, lean
beef, lamb, egg yolks, oysters, kidneys, whole-
Take note of the foods mentioned above when browsing through our Astrologer's Cookbook. We have included with each recipe, tables on Calorie, Nutrient & Vitamin values. Also included with each recipe is our recommendations for individual signs. Now it's time to enter our Astrologer's Cookbook "Search Engine". Simply enter the title or main ingredient & search our data base of some of our favorite recipes.