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The sign of Virgo rules the nervous system and the intestines. The intestines assimilate food into the body. You tend to have delicate and finely tuned nervous system, which makes you intuitive and discriminating. Natives of this sign can literally worry themselves sick. When things go wrong they have a tendency to turn the trouble into themselves and the problem is instantly reflected in a physical ailment, usually intestinal. Virgoans possess a fussy digestive system, and suffer from indigestion, gas pains, ulcers, liver upsets, colitis, and bowel problems. Virgoans tend to worry about their health & sometimes tend to be hypochondriacs.


Virgo's ruling planet Mercury has dominion over the brain and the nervous system, it also controls the links between the mind and the functions of the body. Virgoans have to coddle their sensitive digestive systems. A proper diet is essential to good health and to keep up energy. In addition, food should not be highly seasoned, spicy, laden with sauces or gravies, or fried.


Virgo's cell salt is potassium sulphate, which regulates oil in the body, carries oxygen to cells, and is essential to muscle contraction. This mineral keeps the skin pores unclogged and ventilated. Lack of potassium sulphate in the diet can cause dandruff, hair loss, eczema, acne, and dry, flaky skin and hair. A deficiency may also lead to extreme fatigue and constipation. Foods high in this mineral that Virgoans need are green leafy vegetables (endive, chicory, romaine), whole wheat and whole grain breads, wheat germ oil, oats, almonds, cheese, oranges, bananas, lemons, lean beef and lamb. Healthy foods that are easy to digest are corn bread, yogurt, brown rice, eggs, and cottage cheese. Melons, apples, pears, and papaya are particularly good for Virgoans, and lemon juice in your diet will ease skin eruptions and dandruff. Honey should be used as a sweetener instead of sugar. Herb teas can help soothe upset stomachs. Virgoans love chocolate which unfortunately does not love them; it causes upsets of the skin and digestive system. You do not tolerate drugs well, and medicine should be taken only under a doctor's supervision.


Take note of the foods mentioned above when browsing through our Astrologer's Cookbook. We have included with each recipe, tables on Calorie, Nutrient & Vitamin values. Also included with each recipe is our recommendations for individual signs. Now it's time to enter our Astrologer's Cookbook "Search Engine". Simply enter the title or main ingredient & search our data base of some of our favorite recipes.